Five new grades for indexable inserts
ARNO turning system machining a workpiece

AM7010 and AM7020 - for the really tough cases

The AM7010 and AM7020 grades are the first choice for all machinists who machine very hard metals and alloys. Those who rough or finish for medical technology, racing or aerospace, for example, benefit from excellent precision and high stability. AM7010 and AM7020 are convincing for alloyed steels, stainless steels, hardened steels, superalloys and titanium alloys up to 63 HRC. The coating consists of TiAlSiN, is 3 µm thick and optimised for wear resistance. Both grades can easily withstand temperatures of up to 1,100 °C.  

AP2615 and AP2625 - stable against scour wear, manufactured with minimal roughness

The grades AP2615 and AP2625 process steels of material group P perfectly and reliably. You can choose from two positive and four negative geometries and thus always achieve outstanding results in finishing, roughing and medium machining. Grade AP2615 is trimmed for wear resistance and is twice as resistant to scour wear as comparable grades. AP2625 is designed for versatility. The grade provides at least twice the strength against adhesive fractures. Its roughness of 0.04 µm is very low and is a factor of 10 lower than the roughness of conventional grades. 

 AP7220 - for high hardness and toughness

The universal high-performance plates of the new AP7220 grade deliver first-class precision and process reliability. The AlTiN coating was produced using a latest generation PVD process. The main application of the grade is in unalloyed, alloyed and high-speed steels. However, it is also convincing in stainless materials. In addition to optimum coating adhesion, it is also characterised by high hardness, heat resistance and toughness.

Further information in our tool tipps:

Tool-Tip: Grades AM7010 & AM7020 grades for precise machining in medical technology

Tool-Tip: Grades AP2615 & AP2625 for machining steels



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